Byron C. Dale

June 6, 1940 – January 25, 2020

A life created to change the world.

Rancher, Certified Monetary Expert in courts of North Dakota, Minnesota, Illinois and Missouri. Rancher, World’s Foremost Monetary Researcher, author, speaker, political activist, husband, father, dear friend, true American who, after a life changing experience, cared enough to work, suffer, sacrifice and act to make a cataclysmic difference in my life, your life and America! Byron had a strong sensitivity in understanding the needs of our growing population and the next generation’s as concerns economic stability and Freedom. Developed 640 acre farm into a 5,000 acre cattle ranch. Survived a pre-meditated murder attempt on his life ordered by South Dakota Governor Bill Janklow.

Presided over 800 lectures concerning the debt money system. Featured guest on radio and TV shows. Produced many audio and visual presentations on debt-money, the problem and the solution. While a guest in Byron’s home, Mr. Bill Still, Director of the award winning documentary The Secret of Oz, consulted Byron regarding money and featured Byron in the film.

4+ years hosted weekly Internet ‘Wealth Money Radio Show’. Published author and co-authored of several books on debt money. Activist. In 1992-93, with the help of 2 other men, hand delivered to all the members of the United States Congress a bill in legislative form called THE MONEY REFORM ACT now referred to as the AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION ACT. It would spend not lend all new money into circulation. They all signed that they had received the bill. Gathered over 2 million petition signatures in support of the bill. On September 29, 1993, he and over 1000 people traveled to Washington D.C. hand delivering those signed petitions to the U.S. Congress personally contacting over 170 Congressional offices concerning the legislative proposal and speaking to thousands on the steps of our U.S. Capitol. Presented the state Minnesota Transportation Act to the Minnesota State Legislature.
Byron is and will be sorely missed.

Gregory K. Soderberg

Born of American citizens Feb. 14, 1951.

USMC 1970-71 -3rd MAF, 2nd CAG, Viet Nam

Combined Action program CAP 2-7-10
Recipient Purple Heart. Honorably discharged.

40+ years marketing consultant
Author, artist, outdoorsman, conservationist.

Candidate MN. Lt. Gov. 2006 & 2010
Advocate for Debt Free Medium of exchange since 1992

J. Drew Foster

Drew was born and raised in Princeton, New Jersey, graduated from Princeton High School, and earned a B.S. in Entomology and Zoology from Colorado State University.

He has held appointed and elected positions in local government in New Jersey, ultimately serving as Mayor of East Amwell Township. He now lives in Emmet, Nebraska, where he works with farmers, with an emphasis on soil health management and crop production efficiency within the natural systems that God designed.

In 1993, Drew met Byron Dale. They quickly became good friends. Drew joined Byron’s team and committed to monetary reform. In the 90s, he joined Byron for that cause three times in Washington, D.C. and hosted him three times in New Jersey where Byron gave lectures. Drew also gave numerous lectures himself, to various political groups.

After these nearly 30 years of experience, Drew believes that monetary reform will have to begin with the Church, specifically Christian leadership, who have failed to teach the biblical truths about economics as they are detailed from Genesis to Revelation.

Today, Drew prefers to be messing about with sailboats, or horses and goats, or otherwise spending time (outside) with his daughters and friends.

Contact Drew at:

Ruel Danner

I was raised in Chadron, Nebraska, the far western town on the edge of the black hills and graduated high school at Charon High School in 1982. Worked for 6 years in food retail before going to work for department store chain during my college years at Chadron State College. In 1990, I went self employed as a construction business owner operating business till this present day.

In 1994, I became a campus minister/pastor for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship where I spent my service locally at Chadron state College. I worked with hundreds of college kids teaching the bible, leading bible studies and developing lifelong relationships. During this time, I continued to work construction and I also took Bible classes from a highly acclaimed bible college. I have pastored a Church as well.

I left Intervarsity Christian Fellowship after many years then went to work for the Department of Labor and HUD in 2004 teaching underprivileged and troubled kids the value of discipline, hard work and self-worth through hands on construction and carpentry trade.

In 2016, I was burdened to find out some deep economic issues pertaining to our State where I reside. It was during my research and curiosity I realized something was wrong with the monetary system nationally and globally.

It became a turning point for me as I studied the bible because my economic pursuits led me to question most of what I was taught through bible classes and what I taught to people. I discovered that the bible is an economic book.  I also came to the conclusion, most pastors, church leaders and bible colleges rarely if ever touch on the subject of money or economics. Finding it truly disappointing, I decided to begin teaching something critically necessary and vital to the economy of the world that we must now live in.

One morning in 2017, I called into the ‘Wealth Money Internet Radio Show’ where I was welcomed by Byron Dale and Gregory Soderberg to discuss money. That moment became a turning point in my life! It wasn’t too much later after that brief phone call that I met Drew Foster on another call in. Since that day we have remained friends and partners in a message and work I feel is the greatest of all time. Our friendship has been a blessing for the past 7 years. I’m glad and honored to now be a Debt Freedom Friend, part of and to carry on the legacy of Byron Dale.

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